Making energy efficiency a priority in your home is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and cut down on your utility bill. Energy efficiency means that you’re able to achieve the same level of comfort in your home, even when your appliances use less energy. You can make your home more efficient by implementing everyday practices, including updating your devices and being mindful about energy use. Here are just a few ideas to help you on your energy-efficiency journey.

1. Be Mindful

Improving your home’s energy efficiency can be as easy as remembering to turn lights and other appliances off when you leave a room. Unplugging appliances when they aren’t in use also helps you save money on your utility bill.

2. Replace Light Bulbs

Replacing old light bulbs saves a lot of energy in your home. LED light bulbs use significantly less energy and last longer than incandescent or CFL light bulbs, so that you save on your monthly bill. Because LED light bulbs last longer than incandescent or CFL bulbs, you won’t have to go to a hardware store as often for replacements.

3. Upgrade Your Cooktops

Induction and electric cooktops use less energy than gas stoves. These cooktops have other healthy home benefits, such as safety, lower climate impact, and better indoor air quality.

4. Install Efficient Showerheads and Faucets

Make sure that your home is equipped with efficient showerheads and faucets. Updated low-flow showerheads help you conserve heat and water, and faucet aerators adjust your water flow to help you achieve big savings on your water bill.

5. Install Smart Thermostats

Your heating and cooling system is likely one of the biggest energy consumers in your home. Easy-to-install smart thermostats save energy by automatically adjusting to your daily schedule and recommending adjustments to your energy usage patterns.

6. Receive a No-Cost Energy-Saving Resource Box and Virtual Home Energy Assessment

MCE can help you create a more energy-efficient home. Qualifying homeowners and renters in MCE’s service area can receive a no-cost energy-saving box containing may of the products mentioned above and a virtual home energy assessment to help them save energy and lower their bills. Learn more about energy savings and complete an interest form.