Turn Energy into Revenue

Get paid to reduce electricity use during demand response events.

Get paid to reduce electricity use during demand response events.

Improve Grid Reliability and Reduce GHG Emissions

Peak FLEXmarket uses meter data and analytics to accurately calculate your hourly energy savings.* You’re compensated the most when the need to reduce energy is the greatest.

*Energy savings are calculated based on 45-day pre-event and 15-day post-event meter data baselines to assess actual metered energy reductions during the demand response event.


Payment for energy load shedding or shifting during demand response events is valued at $2.00 per kWh. You will receive email notifications approximately 24 hours in advance to prepare for the event.

Sample Savings

Customer Type Summer Peak Period Energy Usage (kWh) Demand Response Event Energy Reduction
Demand Response Incentive Payment
College 511,000 1,625 $3,250
Office Building 143,000 500 $1,000
Hotel 274,000 875 $1,750
Food Sales 350,000 1,125 $2,250

**Sample calculation based on a 5% load reduction for 10 event days, lasting 5 hours per event. Incentive is $2/kWh.


  • Must be located in MCE’s service area
  • Must have a dedicated staff member able to influence energy usage at your facility
  • Must have a SmartMeter that generates interval data for the previous 45 days prior to any event day and continuing through 15 days post event. MCE will screen each site for data sufficiency
  • Are not currently participating in another demand response program

How It Works


Sample Strategies:

HVAC Controls

  • Modified Setpoint
  • Precooling
  • Ramp Setpoint


  • Dim Setpoint
  • Turn Off Zones
  • Delay Exterior Lighting

Process Production Deferral

  • Reschedule Hours of Operation
  • Reduce Equipment Usage (e.g. pumps, motors)
  • Modify Staffing

Energy Storage Discharge

  • Battery
  • Thermal

Interest Form

Complete the interest form below and we will contact you with more information about MCE’s Peak FLEXmarket program.