When the colder months approach each year, you may notice an uptick in your electric bill. Heaters, holiday decorations, and family gatherings can add to your energy use. Use the following tips to save energy and take control of your electric bill this winter.

1. Reverse your ceiling fans.

Reverse the direction of your ceiling fan to pull cold air toward the ceiling and circulate warm air down. Set fans to turn clockwise on low to get the most benefit. Be sure to turn your heater and fans off when you leave a room or your home.

2. Use insulation.

Stop heat from escaping your home by installing insulation and sealing your doors, windows, and air ducts. Insulation helps reduce the energy that your heater must expend to keep your house warm.

3. Identify vampire appliances.

Vampire appliances, which use energy even when they’re “off” (such as computers, televisions, and microwaves), can make up to 10% of your energy usage. Unplug devices when they aren’t in use. Check out our pointers on how you can rid your home of these energy drainers.

4. Upgrade old appliances.

Upgrade household appliances that are 15 years old or more to high-efficiency models that use less energy. Don’t forget to replace your incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs that last longer and are more energy efficient. When evaluating your choices, look for ENERGY STAR® certified models.

5. Use electric heaters.
Take advantage of portable electric heaters. Central heating can be expensive and fire places are often an inefficient means of heating your home. Consider investing in an electric heater that can move with you, maximizing comfort and lowering your energy bills.

6. Use LED holiday lights.
LED lights are less of a fire risk since they put off less heat and they can also dramatically reduce your energy consumption if you were previously using incandescent bulbs. For added energy savings, consider putting your lights on a timer that’s set to turn the lights on at sundown and off around bedtime.

7. Avoid the use of diesel generators for large lighting displays
If you’d like to implement a large lighting display, consider a battery generator which can be charged during the day and used in the evening until it runs out of power. If you have solar panels on your home, charge the battery in the middle of the day when your panels are generating to take greatest advantage of clean energy.