In honor of the Earth Day 2022 theme, “Invest in Our Planet,” here are 22 things that you can do to give back to our Earth!

Lifestyle Choices
1. Walk or bike instead of driving your car.
2. When you eat out, carry reusable utensils and drinking straws.
3. Use reusable products like shopping bags, travel mugs, and water bottles.
4. Cut down on the amount of meat in your diet. Give meatless Mondays a try!
5. Shop at local thrift shops or consignment stores for clothing and home goods.
6. Donate or sell old items to support a circular economy.
7. Buy locally to reduce the emissions associated with transporting goods.

At Home
8. Choose Deep Green 100% renewable energy.
9. Replace incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs, which use 70−90% less energy.
10. See if you qualify for MCE’s Home Energy Saving Program for free water-saving features.
11. Wait until your dishwasher and washing machine are full before running a load.
12. Wash your clothing in cold water to cut down on energy use.
13. Unplug devices that you aren’t using.
14. Switch from gas to electric appliances to improve the energy efficiency of your home.
15. Landscape with drought-resistant plants.

In the Community
16. Support businesses that run on 100% renewable energy.
17. Spread the word about Deep Green 100% renewable energy by using our Deep Green Advocates Toolkit.
18. Volunteer your time or rent a small plot at a local community garden.
19. Have a conversation about climate change with a friend or family member.
20. Stay informed by following environmental organizations and subscribing to newsletters like MCE’s Power with Purpose newsletter.
21. Check out educational resources to learn more about Energy and Climate Change.
22. Get involved with local organizations that are combating climate change.

How will you celebrate Earth Day 2022? Tag us (@mceCleanEnergy) on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to let us know!