The #BecauseofYouth series highlights young environmentalists in MCE’s service area who are leading the fight against climate change.

Meredith is a high school student leading environmental action in Corte Madera. She’s a member of the Corte Madera Climate Action Committee and recently led student outreach at local schools to increase the town’s use of renewable energy.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I live in Corte Madera and I’m a sophomore at St. Ignatius College Preparatory. I’m also a member of the Corte Madera Climate Action Committee, which works to reduce our town’s carbon footprint. I grew up hiking on Mount Tam and exploring the local watersheds. My passion for environmentalism grew both from my love of nature and from learning about the many threats our environment faces today.

What do you do as a member of the Corte Madera Climate Action Committee?

I lead outreach with local schools to get students involved in the fight against climate change. As part of this initiative, I formed a team of student ambassadors to raise climate awareness in their own communities. This last Earth Day, I helped kick off a campaign to promote 100% renewable energy in Corte Madera by increasing the adoption of Deep Green.

Why is it important to increase Corte Madera’s use of renewable energy?

Switching to renewable energy is impactful, it’s practical, and it’s a way for every household to commit to making a difference in the fight against climate change. It also improves the Bay Area’s air quality by reducing reliance on polluting energy sources. Plus, it’s a way for a town to come together to protect the environment.

What does it mean to you to be a young environmentalist?

Young people are the voters and consumers of tomorrow. It’s important to me to inspire other young people to take action and make positive choices for the environment. Youth can create change in their families, their schools, and their communities.

How can other young people get involved in environmentalism?

I want to encourage other young people to consider their carbon footprint. The way most of us live isn’t sustainable. We can all make a difference by reducing food waste, cutting down on meat consumption, being mindful of our purchasing, and choosing green transportation options. When we hurt our environment, we’re hurting ourselves, our habitat, and our own health. Our choices regarding the environment affect our air, water, and food sources. Every individual can make a difference.