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How to Become a Climate Activist

The MCE Cares series focuses on the impacts of climate change, climate action strategies, and the ways you can make a difference. The climate is in our hands. What action will you take? Learn more at 1.   Educate Yourself You don’t need to be a climate expert to be a climate activist. Educating [...]

How to Become Energy Efficient

The MCE Cares series focuses on the impacts of climate change, climate action strategies, and the ways you can make a difference. The climate is in our hands. What action will you take? Learn more at Energy efficiency is a simple way to reduce your carbon footprint without making changes to your daily routine. [...]

How to Green Your Transportation

The MCE Cares series focuses on the impacts of climate change, climate action strategies, and the ways you can make a difference. The climate is in our hands. What action will you take? Learn more at Transportation has surpassed electricity generation as the leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. In [...]

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Your carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced from your lifestyle. The carbon footprint of specific products or services can be determined by calculating the total emissions released into the atmosphere over the course of their life cycle. The yearly carbon footprint of the average global citizen is around 4 [...]

Youth Climate Activism in Your Community

Youth advocacy is a driving force for climate action across the globe. From starting community projects to speaking at global climate conferences, young activists have demonstrated their power to inspire change and transform the world for the better. MCE is committed to supporting the upcoming environmental leaders in our communities. Why Is Youth Activism Important? [...]

The Clean Energy Economy

Technological improvements and demand for clean energy have caused a boom in the clean energy economy and green jobs across the country. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that solar installers and wind technicians will be two of the fastest growing occupations in the next decade. Your energy choices can boost the clean [...]

What Is Climate Justice?

The MCE Cares series focuses on the impacts of climate change, climate action strategies, and the ways you can make a difference. The climate is in our hands. What action will you take? Learn more at Climate change intensifies inequalities in public health, housing, and our global economy. The United Nations states, “The [...]

Vulnerable Communities and Climate Change

The MCE Cares series focuses on the impacts of climate change, climate action strategies, and the ways you can make a difference. The climate is in our hands. What action will you take? Learn more at Climate change affects all of us, however, some populations face greater risks than others. Populations that are particularly vulnerable to [...]

How Is Climate Change Affecting Your Community?

Climate is affecting all of us. Communities and individuals around the world feel the repercussions of the climate crisis in different ways. Here are some ways that climate change is already impacting communities in the Bay Area, the changes we can expect in the coming years, and what you can do about it. [...]

Climate Change and the Natural World

The MCE Cares series focuses on the impacts of climate change, climate action strategies, and the ways you can make a difference. The climate is in our hands. What action will you take? Learn more at Climate change may put one-third of species at risk of extinction in the next 50 years. Global [...]