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MCE Approved for $750,000 Grant to Support Critical Resiliency Facilities

The Marin Community Foundation recently approved a two-year grant of $750,000 to MCE through the Buck Family Fund. MCE will use the grant to support clean energy resiliency for nonprofit critical facilities and affordable housing in Marin County. In the face of wildfire threats, we recognize that the decision to shut off electricity service is [...]

Top 3 Ways Electric Vehicles Save You Money

Once considered niche, EVs were initially promoted as luxury cars with a six-figure sticker price. Today, the growing number of public charging stations and lower costs make EVs a compelling option for car shoppers. There are now several rebates that can make the cost of buying or leasing an EV even less than a gas-fueled [...]

The Top 5 Reasons to Get a Smart Thermostat

Want an easy way to lower your heating bill this winter? Switching to a smart thermostat may just be the move for you. Now that the weather is getting colder, your heater might be running more often to keep your home warm and comfortable. Monitoring your usage can keep your heating bills from [...]