The holidays are a great time to relax, spend time with friends and family, and reduce energy consumption. As the new year approaches, here are six easy ways to significantly reduce your energy usage.

  1. Stay Warm with Style – Turn your heater down and wear warm clothes indoors. It’s a great time to break out your “unique” holiday sweater or winter hat!
  2. Use LED Holiday Lights – Deck the halls with LED decorative lighting! LEDs can last 25 times longer than traditional bulbs, and use significantly less energy.
  3. Cook Wisely – Use lids on your pots when possible, don’t preheat for longer than necessary, and bake more than one item at a time.
  4. Use Energy Star Appliances – If you need to replace any large appliances, make sure to get ENERGY STAR-certified models. Although sometimes a larger initial investment, it will be paid off relatively quickly through lower energy bills.
  5. Insulation is the Best Policy! Make sure that your home is completely insulated. Sealing a single gap – for example underneath your door – can save significantly on utility bills. Seal cracks, keep windows closed, and stay cozy.
  6. Vacationing? Before you set off on your adventure, remember to turn off all your lights, put your water heater in vacation mode, and close all windows and doors.

Happy Holidays!